Tuesday 23 July 2013

Dance Audition?

If you are in the process of auditioning for a professional dance job, or if you are just starting out, you are already aware of the immense pressure and competition that faces you. However, it is not in vain as the audition could perhaps be that long term contract that you have always dreamed about.

In this blog I will highlight some tips to better your chances of being selected for the job and explain some things you should definitely avoid.

-          This should go without saying…you should never be late.  If it is unavoidable, make sure you contact the studio immediately.

-          You have to listen to what they are asking for. There are always individuals who need to be told over and over again how to stand, hold the arm or point the toe. When the demonstrator explains what he or she wants and the dancer fails to deliver because of nerves or simply not knowing how to execute it, could easily get you cut. It shows that you cannot take directions. Sometimes, just being a great dancer is not enough and not being able to take direction well, can often lose you the job, rather than the reflection of your work.

-          Be spatially conscious and avoid showing personal emotions towards other dancers as people despise attitudes especially towards others. You will most certainly get cut when showing a bad attitude.

-          Always be willing to push yourself and demonstrate a willingness to learn.

-          Be aware of what are wearing. Do not wear something that is not flattering to your body shape and avoid wearing something too flashy as it can often distract from the dance.

-          Excessive talking during others performance is not tolerated. You must always be considerate to other dancers. Not only does it show your focus, but your best side.

-          Always be authentic.  The only thing that makes you different is your personal characteristics.

-          If you realize you are nervous, you have to create tools to combat them such as stick to what you know and be as focused as possible.

It’s very important to go prepared and to always be well presented throughout your audition. Extra classes always go a long way and it goes without saying- ‘Practice makes perfect!’ 

Good Luck!

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